This is the beginning of my story. I could regale you with facts, instead I’m going to tell you a campfire tale. As I tell this story, I may tend to sound very fantastical. When I am becoming fantastical, it means that there are no words I have been able to find to better describe what I and others have seen of our collective experience. My fantastical tales have always been open and flexible with change. In other words, if you have a better way to describe it, I am all ears!
I can begin from several different contexts. I can begin from a logical standpoint. I can begin from an emotional one. There is also a cultural one, a science-fiction one, or a spiritual one. Maybe, I will weave them all together.
To weave this story together, we must begin in 1943, when J. Robert Oppenheimer began assembling a team of scientist in Los Alamos, New Mexico. You can read about Oppenheimer and his work on the Manhattan Project here:

I will continue this story as it comes up. I have more pressing things right now that I need to attend to. For now, keep these maps in mind. Especially when you consider the context that my ancestral family, including myself, come from Socorro, New Mexico.